How Hiring People with Disabilities Can Help Grow Your Business

Did you know that hiring people with disabilities can increase the value of your company? Hiring disabled people adds some great diversity to the workplace. If you are unsure about why you should increase diversity within your workplace, then read on to learn how hiring people with disabilities can help grow your business. 

Discrimination is Illegal

If your business complies with anti-discrimination laws but only to the extent that you are legally bound, then you may want to reconsider your hiring practices. Doing the bare minimum can cause you to be perceived as biased against people with disabilities. Consider evaluating your company’s hiring practices to discern if discrimination is occurring. Also, be mindful of the potential of a disgruntled candidate or employee, whether it is justified, feeling that your bare-minimum approach is discriminatory and deciding to take legal action. Besides, biased hiring practices are not only illegal but can rob you of talent. People with cognitive disabilities contribute new ideas and creativity that neurotypicals do not think of. Rethink anti-discrimination laws as a way to uncover more potential in your business and other people.

Source: 4 Ways to Reduce Bias in Your Hiring Process | The Hire Talent

Accessibility is Trendy

Accessibility is in, so companies that go above and beyond to hire people with disabilities are viewed in a more positive light. Your company may not be frowned upon if you are not following this trend, but you will be missing out on PR opportunities. Similar to businesses touting their green practices, highlighting your brand’s inclusivity will position it as positive and progressive. When you implement this strategy, be careful to not highlight the inclusion of people with disabilities as if your business is doing them a favor. 

More exposure means that more individuals will apply for jobs at your company. However, if you still do not hire more disabled employees, then you will have a more negative image than you started with. When it comes to inclusivity, evaluate your business’s intentions. Even though inclusivity is great PR, it will not have long-lasting results if it isn’t authentic. If there is a company that succeeds in this area, consult with them to learn more.

Source: Business Benefits of Hiring People With Disability | Australian Network on Disability

Employees with disabilities can offer a unique perspective on things, so it’s important to give them a shot at a job and make them feel welcome once they’re hired. Just because someone is disabled doesn’t mean that they can’t offer just as much (or more) expertise than an able-bodied employee. To make sure that you’re being compliant with the law when hiring, be sure to give disabled applicants a fair chance.

Moving on After a Sudden Disability

A sudden disability is shocking and can create many emotions. You don’t know what to expect, going forward, or how the injury is going to impact your life. Recovering from your injuries can be long and painful for you and worrisome for your family. Coming to a place of acceptance with your disability is a process that takes time. It’s vital to learn as much about your disability as you can and ways you can recover.

Embrace the Stages of Grief

Initially, shock and disbelief take over, and you may experience periods of denial and isolation. If the injury is severe and incapacitates you, then anger may set in and increase your despair. You may begin to bargain with God to let it not be so and go through anger and depression before finally gaining acceptance. Getting professional counseling or therapy can help you through the grief process. If your injuries are no fault of your own, then seek legal advice. According to some accident attorneys, disabling injuries are the most serious that a person can experience, which makes receiving maximum compensation an important part of moving forward. Money won’t solve everything, but it will give you less to worry about while you focus on recovery.

Life After Sudden Disability

At first, it seems that things will never get better after your injuries. As you move towards recovery through physical and mental therapies, you will regain hope for your future. Human beings are tough, and we are built to last. You will have people to help you want to live fully again. Getting back to work is one of the fastest ways to regain control of your life after disability. Try connecting with agencies that work with getting employment for disabled persons if you’re not able to return to your previous line of work.

Focus on What You Can Do, Not What You Can’t

Embrace the changes in your life with positivity and hope for the future. There are so many options for people with disabilities, just as there are for people without them. Your disability should make you stronger and fight harder because you overcame a life-changing event. Social media has changed the way, so many people are finding fulfillment in their work and personal lives. You can connect with people with similar experiences and find new career opportunities, such as helping other people cope with their disabilities.

A sudden disability is devastating at first but later it can be the thing that builds your greatest amount of courage. You will find new reason to hope and it will transcend to others like who need hope to live.

At ACCSES we believe in giving disabled people opportunities to thrive in employment. If your business needs facilities management help, we can connect you with the best disabled employee agencies in the area!