Preventing Harassment In The Workplace – Training

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Preventing Harassment In The Workplace – Training
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150 W State Street - Trenton, New Jersey 08608
DATE 02/08/2018
TIME 12:00 am

Objective:  Participants will understand the behaviors that constitute harassment and learn ways to prevent or deal with harassment situations.  The course also discusses discrimination, retaliation prevention, workplace violence, bullying and social media abuse.

Each year companies spend millions of dollars in legal costs, lost productivity, and loss of good employees. Taking a proactive approach is the key to preventing sexual and other harassment.     This program raises awareness of how harassment of any sort affects the workplace and provides an understanding of the laws that regulate sexual and other harassment, including the risks, liabilities and obligations involved.


  • Causes of harassment and the impact on workers and the workplace
  • The legal definition of sexual and other harassment
  • Types of harassment and the implications for employer liability
  • How to distribute and communicate harassment information to employees
  • The importance of a compliance resolution system that is credible, confidential, non-retaliatory and that takes appropriate action
  • Investigation techniques and sample questions
  • Decision-making factors
  • Options for post-investigation actions
  • Strategies for preventing sexual and other harassment
  • Ways to protect the company from any claims placed on vendors or service people who are working at your company.

OutcomesParticipants will understand:

  • Strategies for prevention as well as options for post-investigation actions if needed
  • Company policy toward harassment, and how much legal backing will be provided if they are charged with harassment
  • Compliance to obtain a decrease in legally unacceptable situations
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