Tuesday, September 24th, 2024
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
State-Use Program 40th Anniversary Dinner
The Molly Pitcher Inn Ballroom
Join us in celebrating the creation of the New Jersey Set-Aside Program and 40 years of expanding job opportunities for New Jersey residents and disabilities.
Wednesday, September 25th, 2024
7:00 am – 4:00 pm
Registration is Open
Main Lobby
All meeting rooms are on the main level of the hotel and ADA accessible.
7:00 am – 9:00 am
Networking Breakfast
A chance to network and enjoy provided breakfast before opening remarks and our keynote speaker.
Feel free to also take this time to visit the exhibitors in the Southampton Room!
9:00 am – 9:45 am
Opening Remarks
Stay after breakfast to hear our conference opening remarks with ACCSES NJ CEO Mohsen Badran and Executive Committee Chair Alvin Cox.
Mohsen Badran – President & CEO – ACCSES NJ
Alvin Cox – ACCSES NJ Executive Board Chairperson
9:45 am – 10:00 am
Break to Visit the Exhibitors
Southampton Room
Morning Session A
10:00 am – 11:00 am
The Risks of Hoarding Records
Tea Room
Mark Szemple, Project Manager, Sunrise Systems
We will discuss why organizations keep records longer than what’s legally required and the risk and added cost that comes from the management of these records. We will also discuss how software applications like Artemis or RecordsMine can help organizations manage their records more efficiently.
10:00 am – 11:00 am
Navigating the Federal Legislative Landscape
Pembroke Room
Kate McSweeny, President, ACCSES
A lively discussion about pending legislation in the U.S. House and Senate that may prove important to people with disabilities and the organizations that serve them, and recent legislation, regulations, and executive orders that could have an impact on your organization. She also will give an overview of what ACCSES anticipates the key issues to be for its members in the coming year.
10:00 am – 11:00 am
Overview of New Laws and Local Finance Notices in Local Public Contracts Law
Navesink Room
Nicola Reid, MPA, QPA, RPPO, PACO, Township of Stafford
Gordon Ball, Executive Director South Jersey NIGP; Retired from NJ Division of Local Government Services
An overview of the policy changes and new laws that apply to local public contracts law. Ms. Reid will speak on the changes to the law and the practical use of the law changes on a day-to-day basis.
11:00 am – 11:15 am
Break to Visit the Exhibitors
Southampton Room
Morning Session B
11:15 am – 12:15 pm
OPRA Today
Tea Room
Frank F. Caruso, Executive Director of the NJ Government Records Council (GRC)
Will cover a basic overview of the Open Public Records Act (OPRA) to provide a better understanding of the requirements that OPRA imposes on Records Managers. It will also cover how OPRA has changed due to Public Law. 2024, c. 16.
11:15 am – 12:15 pm
NJ Legislative and Advocacy Update
Pembroke Room
Scot Mackey and Richard Wright, MBI Gluck Associates
Jacob Caplan, Director of Advocacy and Government Affairs, ACCSES NJ
This session will cover legislative issues in New Jersey that affect people with disabilities at work and in their lives and the services that organizations provide to them. We will also review ACCSES NJ and MBI activities at the NJ Statehouse with our partners in state government, and in Washington.
11:15 am – 12:15 pm
Prevailing Wage and Compliance
Navesink Room
Grace Perez, Public Contracts Unit, NJ Department of Labor

Review Public Policy and definitions, go over the Prevailing Wage Act and Regulations, provide an overview of the Public Body Responsibilities, and discuss Wage & Hour and Contract Compliance Enforcement.
12:15 pm – 1:00 pm
STAR Awards Luncheon
These awards recognize the people and partners who further our mission to employ and enrich the lives of New Jersey citizens with disabilities.
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Keynote Plenary Session – From Imagination to Innovation: IMPROVing Your Leadership
Keynote Speaker:
Colin T. McLetchie
“If you want a different result, you need a different conversation. To have a different conversation, you have to be a different leader.” As leaders, our presence in any given conversation and our ability to use conversations more creatively is a determining factor between success and failure. Colin will shepherd us through a series of exercises and explore how we can use the language of leadership more effectively to move our teams and missions forward.
2:00 pm – 2:15 pm
Break to Visit the Exhibitors
Southampton Room
Afternoon Session
2:15 pm – 4:00 pm
A Bridge Over Troubled Water: Good Records Management and Disaster Planning
Tea Room
Lenora Miko, State-wide Sales Manager, Records Management Services, ACCSES NJ
Argean Cook, Director of Records and Information Management, retired formerly of NJ transit, NJ DORES; former investigative paralegal, Monmouth County Prosecutors Office.
No matter where you are on your records management path, at some point you may be faced with a disaster. How do you cross that “bridge over troubled waters?” This session will provide a roadmap of a good records management program and how, by default, it can help mitigate the effects of a disaster. It will also discuss developing a disaster mitigation and recovery plan and the advantages of having one to help you steer around roadblocks. It will address the importance of the protection of both paper and electronic records in the plan and provide resources where to find support in developing a plan and during a disaster.
2:15 pm – 4:00 pm
Protecting Employment for Individuals with Significant Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Pembroke Room
Kit Brewer, Board Vice-President, Coalition for the Preservation of Employment Choice, Inc. Executive Director, ProjectCU, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri; Missouri Assoc. of Sheltered Workshop Managers (MASWM), Legislative Chair
Lisa Montalbano, Board Member, Coalition for the Preservation of Employment Choice, Inc.CEO, Employment Horizons
Members of the “Coalition for the Preservation of Employment Choice, Inc.” will provide attendees with information about the Coalition, its’ mission and vision and outcomes through educating legislators and government department heads on the importance of maintaining a continuum of employment services, including programs that employ those with the most significant disabilities through commensurate wages. This session will also provide current legislation and tools to engage local and federal legislators.
2:15 pm – 4:00 pm
Cooperative and Alternative Purchasing Workshop: New Jersey State Agencies Offering Compliant Purchasing Alternatives: DeptCor, DSS, and DPP
Navesink Room
Brian Gallagher, Promotional Sales Specialist, DeptCor
Joseph Signoretta, Supervisor, DSS,
Allan Sydlo, Cooperative Outreach Lead, DPP
Good decision making in public purchasing requires knowledge of all available, compliant sources, which makes good fiscal sense for the New Jersey taxpayer. This program is presented by 3 State agencies, and is designed to engage and educate local government agencies on purchasing compliant products and services available from the State of New Jersey. Offering a variety of products, from green cleaning products to sheds, from food products to regulatory signs and printing, DEPTCOR, DSS, and DPP are the go to sources for many State and local government agencies.
4:00 pm – 4:15 pm
Break to Visit the Exhibitors
Southampton Room
4:45 pm – 7:00 pm
Networking Event – Navesink Queen
Molly Pitcher Marina
Please be at the Molly Pitcher Dock by 4:45 PM for boarding
Event is from 5:00 – 7:00 PM
Day 1 of the Star Conference ends with a fun networking event on the Navesink Queen. Event is limited to the first 96 registrants. Hors d’oeuvres and two drink tickets will be provided to you with your registration for this event.
Thursday, September 26th, 2024
7:00 am – 3:00 pm
Registration is Open
Main Lobby
7:00 am – 9:00 am
Networking Breakfast
A chance to network and enjoy provided breakfast.
Feel free to also take this time to visit the exhibitors in the Southampton Room!
Morning Session A
9:00 am – 10:30 am
Money, Money, Money – How to Earn More Using the Social Security Rules
Pembroke Room
Sharon Roth-Lichtenfeld, CPWIC, Waters and Sims
Learn what work incentives are available for people receiving SSI and SSDI income and how they can identify whether they might be eligible to utilize them and make more money. We will discuss work incentives that are specifically designed to help students while they are regularly attending school and other work incentives that are available to all workers. Applying for these work incentives can be overwhelming. We will go through what forms to use and information to gather prior to submitting the requests to Social Security.
9:00 am – 10:30 am
Hybrid: Steps to Success
Navesink Room
Tiffany Hood and Kathleen Kindya, Program Planning & Development Specialists, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Deborah Vaughn, Chief, Community Rehabilitation Programs Unit, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
The Hybrid Model offers extended employees the opportunity to begin working in competitive integrated employment while at the same time, benefiting from the supports of their Extended Employment program. This session will provide a brief overview of the Hybrid program and steps for employment success.
9:00 am – 12:15 pm
Executive Development Program
Tea Room
The EDP Program is designed to help CRP professionals develop leadership skills and
other abilities that can help them grow their CRP and prepare for higher-level
roles in the future.
Mohsen Badran – President & CEO – ACCSES NJ
Linda L. Carney – President/CEO – Career Opportunity Development, Inc
10:30 am – 10:45 am
Break to Visit the Exhibitors
Southampton Room
Morning Session B
10:45 am – 12:15 pm
CARF: Preparing For a Successful Accreditation
Pembroke Room
Chasity Chamberlin, Managing Director, CARF, International.
An overview of the CARF survey process, including a review of required components of strategic planning, as well as tips and tricks for a fun and consultative survey experience.
10:45 am – 12:15 pm
DVRS Pre-Employment Transition Services
Navesink Room
Toni Scott, Program Planning and Development Specialist of Youth Services, NJ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Starting early to prepare students for success in adult life is key! Students with disabilities aged 14 through 21 (and possibly older) can now access needed services from the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services to help them prepare for success in Competitive Integrated Employment. This session will explain what these services are, how to obtain them for students, and the agencies and local school’s role in making this happen.
10:45 am – 12:15 pm
Bridging the Gap Between What NJ Business Needs and What ACCSES NJ Members Can Offer
Althea Ford- Vice President, Government Affairs – NJ Business and Industry Association
Larry Banks – Director, Workforce Development & Training -NJMEP
Alexander Glen – Data and Reporting Coordinator – NJMEP
An interactive discussion revolving around the needs for “workforce solutions” that could potentially be met by ACCSES NJ member organizations. The presenters will provide updates on Employment and Labor Law, Education and Workforce Development, and Manufacturing outlooks.
12:15 pm – 2:00 pm
EDP Graduation Luncheon
Congratulations to the graduates of this year’s Executive Development Program cohort!
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Plenary Session – Working with SourceAmerica
Corey Heritage, Vice President for Business Development, SourceAmerica
Will cover Federal Trends in Procurement, including what they are buying and how they are buying it. He will talk about SourceAmerica’s Business Development Process, about where the opportunities are and what NPAs can do to meet the needs. There will also be discussion of the benefits that working with SourceAmerica can provide.
3:00 pm – 3:15 pm
Afternoon Session
3:15 pm – 4:45 pm
ACCSES NJ Business Development Meeting
Tea Room
Meeting for ACCSES NJ member agencies only.
3:15 pm – 4:45 pm
ACCSES NJ General Membership Meeting
Navesink Room
Meeting for ACCSES NJ member agencies only.
4:45 pm – 4:45 pm
Conference Closes
Thank you for your support and attendance and we look forward to seeing you again at STAR 2025!
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For general questions, please refer to the FAQs and/or email Marketing@accsesnj.org
For press questions, please refer to the FAQs and/or email Marketing@accsesnj.org
For exhibits questions, please refer to the FAQs and/or email Marketing@accsesnj.org