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ACCSES New Jersey, Inc Paperless Initiative
October 31, 2018
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ACCSES New Jersey, Inc Paperless Initiative

In early 2018 ACCSES New Jersey, on direction from our CEO Mohsen Badran, embarked on a new initiative to create a paperless office. We are happy to report that through multiple software components we have reached our goal. Starting with ProcessEx for Billing and ending with our move to a cloud environment with DMC technologies we have the makings of a fully mobile office.

Since there are many components to our day to day operations with our membership and our clients below is a listing of functions that are now online and currently deployed.
Purchase orders and Invoices back to us from membership is now 100% online with ProcessEX Automated Billing Via ProcessEx for Flat Rate Contracts starting in January 2019
CSR Reporting & Audits are fully online with ProcessEx, documentation storage and request are also fully online within this platform.
CSR Consumer File Audits is fully online with the use of SECUREDRAWER by EFileCabinet. Incident Reports are online on the website and will be sent using SECUREDRAWER by EFileCabinet.
Agreements & Proposals
Commercial Partnership Agreements and our Memorandum of Understandings(Mou’s) will be sent using DocuSign and no longer need to be printed going forward.
For agencies that allow the use of E-Signatures, proposals are to be signed using DocuSign.
Supply requisition forms are signed via DocuSign.
Internal Projects
ACCSESNJ is using BaseCamp3 as a project management board for projects like the 2019 Annual Conference, State Imaging Projects, Marketing asset requests, Business Development, Incident Report tracking, Customer Service requests, and a newly formed Advocacy Test group.
Employee Mobility
This is probably the most exciting venture that is coming to an end. ACCSES NJ is deploying its Cloud Desktop in early November which makes us a fully Mobile Office. This will allow our employees to access their data and applications from any device, anywhere, anytime! Here are some highlights as to how this helps us:
Cloud Desktop: Access our applications and data anytime from anywhere with our Cloud Desktop.
Cloud Apps: Turn any Windows application into a web application that we can access from any internet connected device.

Employee Expense reports with Online Approvals are electronic using ProcessEx
Travel Requisitions with Online Approvals are electronic using ProcessEx
Online Timesheets and Payroll with Online Approvals via our conversion to BenefitMall during the 3rd quarter of 2018.

If you would like any information about the companies we use, please contact